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Residential Security Services

What are the Benefits of Having Security Guards at Your Apartment Complex?

Deterring Crime

When people who want to commit a crime see a security officer around, they’re less likely to do it. Posting security officers will help deter break-ins and theft. Additionally, people who want to commit crimes in around the property such as drug use or solicitation will likely find security officers irritating and decide to go elsewhere. Overall, crime is less likely to occur in and around apartment buildings with security officers.



Reacts in Real Time

In the cases where simply posting a security officer isn’t enough to stop crime from happening, you’ll have someone there to deal with the problem. Security officers undergo extensive training in order to learn how to react quickly and appropriately to whatever situation they might be presented with. In the event of a break in or some other crime, a security officer can easily respond to the situation and handle it appropriately.



Residents Have Someone to Call

If a tenant sees someone suspicious or has an issue, she can call your security officer. The security officer can then quickly address the situation. This response is much easier than calling the police because there is no lag time. The tenant will not have to wait in fear until the police arrive. In other cases, you will not have to worry about an untrained tenant attempting to solve the issue herself. Instead, the security officer she knows and trusts will handle the situation for her so she can continue on her day.


Increases Property Value

When your property is safe and crime-free, its value goes up. Posting security guards will not only deter crime on your property, but around it as well. Security officers are a great way to make a community safer and ensure that crime rates are low. When a safe property is in a low-crime area, it has better value.



Attract Better Residents

When your property value goes up, you’re more likely to attract stable residents. Families and other reliable tenants are more likely to move in because of the high property value and feeling of safety. These types of tenants tend to pay their rent on time sign longer leases, both of which will be good for your business. Security officers are great assets to attract stable, reliable tenants.


Lower Insurance Premiums

Insurance companies are known to offer rates based on collective risk. Many insurance companies are known to offer discounts when you have a comprehensive security system fitted on your premises. Insurance providers look for safe customers from whom the chances of claims would be lower for various factors. If your insurance provider comes to know that your business is already protected by security officers, then they can be sure that the chances of your business being affected by burglary, theft, vandalism, etc. are less likely. Therefore, your business is considered less of a risk for them. In that case, the rate of your premium will automatically be lowered! 



Security Can Be Tailored to Fit Your Needs

Each property is unique, making the needs of each property unique as well. With different options and packages, a company can work with you to come up with the best security plan for your apartment building. Whether you have one particular entrance that needs extra security, or you feel that you need added security at night, your needs can be properly addressed.

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