Our agency is organized in several specialized departments, and this specialization allows us to focus on acquiring new knowledge and skills through a deeper understanding of the needs of our clients.

The Administrative Department oversees the
day-to-day operations of our agency. Their main focus is on the agency's long-term overall success. Our administrators make all the top decisions at the leadership level, ensuring that we are daily fulfilling our mission and vision. One of their many goals is to increase our value and integrity within our field and industry on a daily basis, as well as the overall development of our agency.
The backbone of American Alliance is our Patrol Division. Our security officers are committed to proactively serving our clients and communities, safeguarding lives and property, keeping the peace and ensuring the rights of all and the equality of justice.

Comprised of highly trained security officers, the SRU is tasked with quickly and effectively dealing with alarm response, close personal protection, emergency services, fugitive recovery, criminal activity, and direct tactical response when the situation calls for it.
Whether your needs involve civil or criminal litigation, a competitor, a disgruntled employee, a prospective hire, or personal protection, our private investigators have the knowledge and experience to serve you with discretion and integrity.