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Everything You Need to Know About Security Officers

Security Guards in Manchester NH American Alliance Security Agency Security Guard Service Company


Security officers, also known as security guards, security inspectors, or protective agents are persons employed by a public or private party to serve as a protector to the employing party’s assets such as property, people, equipment, and money, from several dangerous situations such as wastage, damage, unsafe worker behavior, and criminal activity such as theft. They do so by enforcing preventive measures. A security guard secures premises and personnel by monitoring surveillance on equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry and patrolling the property. Security guards maintain a high-visibility presence to stop illegal and inappropriate actions, either directly by engaging in patrols, or indirectly, by monitoring alarm systems or video surveillance cameras, for signs of crime or other hazards (such as fire). They also take steps to minimize harm through proactive activities such as warning and escorting intruders off of the property, and reporting any incidents to their clients and emergency services such as the police, as appropriate.

Security officers are generally attired in uniforms to represent their lawful authority to protect private property. Security guards are typically governed by legal regulations, which set out the requirements for eligibility and the permitting authorities in a given jurisdiction. The authorities permitted to security guards are different according to local community/ states/country and subnational jurisdiction. They are usually hired by a range of organizations, including businesses, government departments, and agencies and not-for-profit and non-governmental agencies or organizations. Until the 1980s, this function was mostly referred to as watchman.


Whether a security guard is employed to guard a politician, a building or an event Centre, a somehow general rule applies to how a security guard functions in the discharge of his/her authority. Retail stores and supermarkets often than not employ security guards to help prevent theft. This security guard may be in plain clothes or uniform. In this type of situation, the security guard has the general authority to detain someone if there is a probable cause that shoplifting has occurred. Likewise for a security guard hired to watch over a building, event Centre or a politician. However, this authority to detain a suspected criminal has some limitations: it must be for a reasonable time and must be done reasonably.

  • Probable Cause

This means that a security guard has reason to suspect that a crime/shoplifting has occurred. This usually says that he or she observes how the person approaches the merchandise, picks up the merchandise, hides or carry away the product, and leave the store, Centre or building. If there is probable cause for suspicion, the guard may then arrest the suspected individual.

  • Reasonable Manner

Detention of a suspect, criminal, visitor or shopper must be done reasonably. What is reasonable depends on the situation, but usually includes:

Physical restraint such as involving the use of handcuffs if it appears to be necessary under the circumstances.

A thorough check or "pat down" of the suspect to determine whether he or she is carrying a weapon or otherwise that may pose a threat to safety and security.

I am requesting identification from the suspect.

A security guard is not expected to use much force. Excessive force can include the use of choking, pain, or improper handcuffing. Using foul language, verbal threats and discriminatory slurs are also considered as excessive force.

  • Reasonable Time

A suspected criminal/ visitor/ or shoplifter may only be detained for a reasonable period. This refers to enough time for the security guard to conduct a fair investigation of what has transpired and for the police to arrive. If the police are contacted promptly but take a long time to reach on site, the time will still be reasonable. If the security guard delays in calling the police without any legitimate purpose, this will be considered unreasonable.


There are many reasons why security guards are essential. They help protect banks, businesses, schools and other necessary places. They also protect people. Many celebrated and famous people will engage security guards/ bodyguards or a security guard company to shield and fortify them.

Secure the premises and staff by patrolling the property; surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; Allowing entry. You get help by sounding the alarms. Prevents loss and damage due to reports of irregularities; inform violators of policies and procedures; restraining the intruders.

When you hire a security guard, you can increase the sense of security for business owners, customers and employees. Employees will be more productive and will perform better in a safe environment. Also, when you have security around and, in your facilities, you can help improve employee retention.

Under listed here are the specific importance of Security Officers:

Security officers provide visible deterrence to criminals and provide professional protection for your assets. There are several benefits associated with a business having a security officer.

Below are some examples of how:

  • Shopping centers and plazas are excellent candidates for a security guard to patrol. These areas can be targets of car theft, theft, vandalism, robberies and other forms of crime. Having a security guard in place can significantly deter these crimes from being committed.

  • Office buildings are great places to have security personnel employed. Security guards in office buildings can control who enters the building and can offer services such as the registration of all visitors and ensure that only those who should be in the building can come. Another advantage of having security in your office building is that security personnel could take employees to their vehicles in case they arrive late. Security personnel can also prevent vandalism inside and outside the building, as well as protect cars in the parking lot.

  • Warehouses and industrial buildings can also serve as targets for thieves to commit a crime. These buildings are generally in quiet and unpopulated areas away from residential areas. A guard can make sure that all areas of the building are properly closed and that no unwanted persons enter the property. Having a guard in place or doing mobile patrols also creates a presence that can deter a criminal from coming to that property. A security guard will document all suspicious activities and report anything dangerous immediately to the police.

  • Events are also an excellent place for security personnel to see each other. Events can range from sporting events, concerts, conferences, weddings, to other private or public activities. Security guards can be very useful in ensuring that your game runs smoothly and that security issues are resolved.

  • Another important placement for security guards is in condominiums and apartment buildings. Even with a lock and an intercom, criminals can still infiltrate a building where there is no security personnel present. All that is needed for a stranger to gain entry into your building is for someone to leave or enter the building and then he traps the door before it closes. The criminals will do everything possible and, sometimes, they will even disguise themselves as messengers or mail through the interphone to access a building. A security guard would prevent unwanted people from entering through the main entrance. A security guard can also patrol the parking areas to make sure that visitor parking is not abused and that all facility doors are safe and secure.

  • The private security guards have supplemented the application of the law for several decades. Many business owners even claim that their presence is more effective at deterring crime than high-tech security systems.

If you still have doubts about whether or not to hire a security guard is right for your company, consider these five benefits:

  • Help deter crimes in a workplace

A professional security guard will protect your facilities. They do so by mitigating risks, including vandalism, theft, and assault.

These people are also trained to detect any suspicious activity. Once found, they can also take appropriate measures before the problem escalates. Also, the security guard can help law enforcement agencies solve crimes that occur on the premises.

  • Security guards provide a sense of security

When you hire a security guard, you can increase the sense of security for business owners, customers and employees. Employees will be more productive and will perform better in a safe environment.

Also, when you have security around and, in your facilities, you can help improve employee retention. Even better, it will help to encourage customers to do business with you, rather than your competition.

  • Better customer service delivery

When you hire a security guard, you have the added advantage of them helping with essential services to your client. For example, they can accompany customers to the parking lot at night or even direct them to specific departments in the store. Also, many security guards will also help take care of their facilities to ensure that they assist their customers and employees positively. As a result, you will be able to save some money by not having to hire additional employees for this function.

  • Handling security problems in an efficient way

Professional security guards serve as the first line of defense in any crime or illegal invasion in a business environment. The security guards are trained and equipped with the knowledge and skill necessary to handle security problems better than anyone else in their facilities. They understand how to respond promptly to situations, prevent suspects from escaping, interview witnesses and inspect areas for security risks. Also, your security guard can help you prepare a loss prevention report if necessary.

  • Provide a quick response time

Security guards will respond quickly to any situation that may arise in your business premises. An example is if you had to deal with an aggressive customer in the place, local police might take several minutes to arrive. At this time, the customer may have caused severe damage. A security guard present can help you take control of the situation, helping to prevent injuries and other adverse consequences.


Security officers are trained not to use unnecessary force when carrying out their duties and, in the vast majority of circumstances, are not allowed to carry or use a gun. Essentially, it is essential to keep in mind that the use of vital weapons is not illegal, nor is the act of exclusive arrest of the police and security officers. The power to arrest is power and is known as the arrest of citizens. Security guards can use a cane and handcuffs, but security guards can only use a rod for defensive purposes. In the United Kingdom, for example, security guards are not allowed to carry weapons. They are also not allowed to fetch sticks, tasers, pepper spray, or other guns. Although handcuffs can be gotten any civilian in the United Kingdom, security guards should receive training on how to apply handcuffs correctly to avoid injury.

A private security guard cannot arrest someone, that only the police can do. However, although they can not stop someone, private security guards can make a citizen arrest, which means they can restrict the person or persons until the police arrive. Security guards can carry out a citizen's arrest if they suspect that they are committing a crime, including theft of a store or property damage. They do not have to wait for him to leave a store if they suspect he has stolen something.

Security Officers/Guards/Professionals are allowed to handcuff somebody if they intend on placing that person under a private person arrest for either a felony offense that has been committed within their presence or they have reasonable belief to believe that the person in their custody had committed the crime. They can also make a misdemeanor arrest in some states in the US for instance. However, for a misdemeanor arrest, it has to be a crime that amounts to a breach of the peace. Now the trick to that is that what constitutes a breach of the order has to be articulated by the security officer to the law enforcement since there is no standard guideline on what constituted a breach of the order.

The bottom line on the use of handcuffs bordered more about restraining someone. Most security guards are equipped with something which will allow them to control a suspect or criminal until the police or equivalent get there. Security guards will be trained to restrain someone safely and legally according to the protocols and procedures of the particular Security Agency. The law in place in different countries or state on the use of handcuffs to restrain suspected criminals varies. In some exceptional cases, a security guard may detain a criminal if completely necessary, and if doing otherwise will constitute a risk to the public.


Being a security officer can be an exciting job. There are challenges and risks involved in most cases, since the work consists of the protection of people, properties and products, among others. If it is a celebrity that a security guard is protecting, there is a risk of being hit by a mafia. If he is a politician, there are possibilities of possible attacks. If it is a property, there is always the threat of theft. Different scenarios, different responsibilities and all with a particular or peculiar danger. So, it's not easy to work as a security guard.

As a security guard working for a celebrity or Very Important Personalities (VIP), there is always the risk of being severely injured. While working at events and concerts, security guards are required and expected to control the crowds or protect those on stage. These situations can often be chaotic or disruptive, and yet, security guards are always at risk of being injured or beaten by the crowd.

Working as a security guard means you must be on the front lines at all times. Most times, a security guard would be the first to respond to a situation when criminal activity occurs. This is the primary reason why a security guard ends up putting himself or herself in the line of fire when there are problems.

The dangers of security guards always lurk around the corner. Although security companies focus on adequate and even military training for their security guards on occasion along with certifications, these, however, cannot avoid dangers when a situation occurs. Also, security guards do not have adequate equipment when patrolling service areas. This means that they are often no match for thieves or criminals who carry high-end weapons while attempting a crime.

Working as a security guard is extremely dangerous, and that is why security companies focus on the proper training of the people they hire. A properly trained security guard is less likely to be injured in a chaotic situation. One who is not adequately prepared will only cause frustration at the scene and will also end up in trouble.

Risks of Security Guards

Security guards play vital roles in protecting private property and the people who reside or work in the facilities they protect. However, there are several risks faced by security guards that security managers should consider avoiding liability or injury. Below are three of the most common:

  • Risk of Interference

When different companies work together, there are usually inherent risks for security guards that can cause accidents due to insufficient knowledge of the security protocols that the client or the security company may have. This is because if the activities are not adequately coordinated, or if there is a level of disorganization, it can create confusion for the security guards regarding the responsibilities and duties of everyone. Security companies that operate within the limits of their customers' company have to deal with these interference risks. Therefore, it is essential to put preventive measures in places, such as the exchange of information on risk, the coordination of preventive measures and the implementation of health provisions.

  • Specific risks about safety activities

Sometimes the risks are specifically related to security activities. Here are some examples of the most common risks security guards face:

  • Workplace violence: This may include physical abuse, such as being attacked. It can also include sexual harassment, intimidation, and bullying with the help of a weapon. It is essential to address these issues since research indicates that exposure to bullying and violence in the workplace is related to diabetes.

  • Risks related to the dog: Poorly trained guard dogs can lead to unpredictable and aggressive behavior. To prevent this, dogs must be trained appropriately.

  • Weapons handling: If your team handles weapons, it is vital that they are provided with quality weapons and proper training to prevent severe injury or death.

  • Exposure to radiation. Hospitals, laboratories and other places that may have high radiation exposure can seriously affect the health of your security guard if they lack the proper training.

  • Risk factors of work organization: The risk factors of the organization of work, from working alone to inflexible work schedules, can endanger the safety and health of security guards. Put security measures in place, including the use of guards patrol control so that your security guards can register and be counted.

  • The physical workload: Poor posture, poor work areas, and other physical workload risks can cause muscle pain, poor blood circulation and other health risks that security guards should consider.

  • Risks due to psychosocial workload. Work stress, lack of motivation or emotional or mental workload can lead to fatigue and poor mental health.

  • Specific risks faced by female security personnel: Security guards who may be pregnant or breastfeeding require extraordinary measures to protect them from the health hazards that may affect your child.

Related Post-Held Risks

Many of the risks associated with the occupied position are related to safety and the work environment. Some common safety concerns include trips, falls, fire hazards, bumps, traffic accidents, and collisions. Also, physical hazards, such as insufficient lighting, noise and inadequate levels of temperature, ventilation, and humidity, can put at risk the health and safety of your security guards. Biological and chemical hazards, such as corrosive or toxic substances and parasites, allergies or poisons, can also affect the health of your guards. Therefore, it is essential to identify these risks and inspect the facilities to detect possible hazards. Also, take preventive measures, such as vaccination and ensure that the electrical wiring is safe, to reduce these risks.

The Bottom Line

A security guard job is dangerous. No one can deny the risks involved when you work as a security guard, and the training of security guards should not be taken lightly. However, it is also one of the most exciting and best-paid jobs today. Yes, not every day is dangerous, but you have to put your own life on the front line to protect someone or something. This is a significant risk on its own. You never know what will happen next when you are a security guard, and when it comes to weapons, things can also be much more dangerous.


Whether you work in a mall or an office building, a security guard has a vital job to do. He has the responsibility to be attentive and protect his clientele. All security companies must act with caution and hire people who are mature and reliable, and Sterling Protective Services goes further in this matter. We believe that it is imperative for a security company to recruit and adequately train the right person for the job. The following are the necessary attributes of a great security guard.

  • Alertness

A good security guard is always alert and aware of his surroundings. It is necessary to stay focused and avoid distractions as much as possible or risk losing something that could be crucial. A non-observer officer could easily overlook something that could endanger lives, or lose sight of a criminal or thief in action.

  • Honesty

A good security guard must be honest. They are responsible for ensuring access to buildings and protecting a company against theft and other dangerous crimes. If a security guard is dishonest, he could steal or put the company at risk. That's why it's so important for security companies to do thorough background checks on their security guards to make sure they do not have a criminal record or dishonest activities.

  • The physical condition

The security guard should maintain a healthy weight range and workout regularly. An unfit guard may not be able to perform its function optimally. Being in good physical shape results in mental alertness. The officer must represent a clean and professional image, with an impeccable uniform and his shirt clean and tucked. A security guard must look well armed and portray himself and the client positively. Security is at the forefront of interactions with the general public. The officer must be courteous and professional in his dealings at all times.

  • Good interpersonal skills

A Security Guard should know how to communicate effectively both verbally and in his writing skills. Clear and courteous communication can be a decisive factor in managing a delicate situation effectively. The connection also allows the security officer to carefully and accurately document all critical incidents, as well as the status of the installation at the end of his shift. Also, however crucial it is for an officer to be alert and alert to the safety of our customers, most of their interaction will be with employees and customers or customers of the people we protect, so a kind attitude is vital and cordial.

  • Ability to meet the needs of the client

It is essential that a security guard is detail oriented because he has to perform many tasks and remember the details to serve our clients. Also, the officer should follow the postal orders. Each security officer in service is assigned a "position" that he is for the man. In each assigned publication, there will be written instructions based on the client's needs, called "publication orders." Officers receive training on these specific duties before assuming office.

All these are essential attributes that security guards should have. As a high-quality security firm in Texas, Sterling makes sure that every time we hire a security officer, we make sure he has these qualities.

Do you have to be fit to be a security guard?

Being a security guard is a very noble profession. The goal is to keep people safe and protect their assets and interests. For those who take up the business, the requirements may be a little unclear and often vary. Each company has specific requirements for their employees. Security guards generally need at least a high school/ diploma to be considered for employment. In addition to finishing some educational courses, a security guard is expected to be physically fit for the job and possess some other vital qualities earlier discussed.

Physical Requirements

Many companies, such as American Alliance Security Agency, do a physical screening to ensure that the prospects can perform the job that they’re planning to do. So, while prospecting for this job, you should look up for specific information about the expectations and requirements for the places you’d like to work. You may also want to call and see if they can tell you what a typical shift is like, so you know how much physical fitness the job requires.

At the end of the day, if something does occur, you want to be sure that you can react appropriately and not be tripped up by something like low endurance or minimal strength. It also stands to reason that the more fit you are, the better job opportunities you’ll have.

For example, if you’re physically fit, you’ll likely make more money and have a more fulfilling career as a personal bodyguard, or a guard in a government building than someone physically inferior. On the other hand, if you’re not as physically adept, you may still find employment, but it is likely to be for less physically demanding positions like working in loss prevention in a retail store.

While ideal physical characteristics can make you a right security guard, receiving a license from a reputable security training academy can make you a great security guard that employers want to hire. Whether you are looking to start or improve upon your career, enrolling in a state-approved online course can help you step up your game.

What other requirements do I need to become a security guard?

Basic employment requirements for security officers include a minimum age of 18. In some cases, 21 is specified. Other conditions for work eligibility in a community, state or country or the particular Security Organization is applicable. Apart from academic qualification, a prospective applicant must pass identity and criminal record checks.

American Alliance Security Agency, Inc.


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